Please find the letter from the Washington Catholic Conference of Bishops on Immigration here in English and here in Spanish.
July 12, 2024
Archbishop Etienne's statement after the Attorney General's hearing on Friday July 12th can be found here.
July 11, 2024
Archbishop Etienne's statements prior to the Attorney General's hearing on Friday July 12th. Please find Archbishop Etienne's statements on this hearing here and here.
February 14, 2024 Archbishop Etienne's statement (along with many women's religious communities and other bishops in the PNW) calling for peace in the middle east can be found here
January 24, 2024 Archbishop Etienne's statement of support on treaty to prohibit the use of nuclear weapons can be found here
To read information and take action on SB 5280, please click here. April 15, 2023 Protect Clergy-Penitent Privilege in SB 5280
To read information and take action on SB 5280, please click here.
To read Archbishop Etienne's blog regarding this issue, please click here.
To watch Bishop Schuster's testimony regarding this issue, please click here.
March 28, 2023
Some of you may have heard recent media about a new lawsuit that just arose involving our founding pastor Fr. Lavelle, who served here at St. Louise parish in the 1960s. This topic is a very difficult and challenging one for everyone involved. Please know we take all allegations very seriously, and we have a process to seek justice for all involved. Also, it’s important to share that the Archdiocese of Seattle has taken a proactive approach to addressing abuse since the 1980s. The history of our approach, our victim support services, our public list, our Review Board and a comprehensive Q&A are all on the dedicated Protect & Heal website if you’d like to learn more. We continually invite anyone who believes they may have been harmed by anyone working on behalf of the Church to come forward by reaching out to the helpline at 800-446-7762. I ask that we continue to pray for everyone impacted by the sin of abuse. Please let me know if you have any questions.