The St. Louise Stewardship Commission is dedicated to organizing, uniting and growing the ministries that motivate parishioners to answer God’s call to discipleship. Click on the links below for brief descriptions of our ministries. Then, complete the Get Involved form to find out more information on how you can get involved.
Get Involved Form
Provides services that support the normal operations of the parish.
Parish Pastoral Council
Finance Council
Building Committee
Communications Committee
Facilities Committee
Stewardship Commission
School Commission
School Parents' Club
School Volunteering
Provides services for individual growth and development through education,
faith sharing, and spiritual activities.
Adult Faith Formation Committee
Small Christian Communities
Bible Study
Sacramentors - Men's Prayer Group
Children's Faith Formation (Elementary School Age)
Youth Ministry Faith Formation (Middle School)
Youth Ministry Faith Formation (High School)
Vacation Bible School
Baptismal Preparation
First Reconciliation Preparation
First Eucharist Preparation
Confirmation Preparation - Youth
Confirmation Preparation - Adults
Pre-Marriage Preparation
Aspects associated with liturgy to promote communal and individual prayer life.
Liturgy Committee
Altar Cleaning
Altar Servers
Art and Environment
Eucharistic Adoration
Eucharistic Minister
Minister of the Word
Ministry of Greeter
Music Ministry
Provides services that give people opportunities to meet and build
fellowship within the parish community.
Hospitality after Mass
Welcome Ministry
Baptismal Preparation
First Reconciliation Preparation
First Eucharist Preparation
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults and Children)
Confirmation Preparation - Adults
Pre-Marriage Preparation
Cabrini Ministry (Spanish)
Couples for Christ
Forever Young (ages 55+)
Gospel of Life
Knights of Columbus
Legion of Mary
Marriage Encounter
Senior Activities & Luncheons
Young Adult Ministry (ages 20s-30s)
Adult Fitness Programs
Athletic Ass'n & CYO Sports
Filipino-American Community
Hispanic Community
Indian Community
Vietnamese Community
Extending services to our parish and community,
driven by Christ’s call to serve those in need.
St. Vincent de Paul
Social Concerns Commission (SCC)
Ecumenical & Interfaith Commission
Adult Mission Trips
Youth Mission Trips
Adopt a Garden
Bereavement Support Group - Grief Ministry
Cabrini Ministry (English)
Funeral Receptions
Health - Parish Nurse Ministry
Library and Resource Center
Ministry of the Eucharist to the Sick, Homebound and Hospitalized
Jubilee Reach, they collect groceries to distribute to hundreds of families every week.