Joint Blessing of Palms Annual Community Gathering:
Description: Communal gathering of Christian communities, especially those sharing in covenant with St Louise EIC, to celebrate Palm Sunday by Blessing of the Palms together.
In past years, members from Resurrection Episcopal, Cross of Christ Lutheran, and St. Louise Catholic churches have met together, outside the sanctuary of the host church (weather permitting), for a brief (usually less than fifteen minutes) service of prayers, readings, hymns, and blessing of the palms. Then attendees carry back to their own communities the palms that were blessed in the gathering.
When: Annually on Palm Sunday Morning, around 8:45 AM, but may vary due to changes in early morning service times. Announcement for the exact time and location will be sent out via FlockNotes and will be in the bulletin prior to Palm Sunday.
Location: Rotates between St Louise & Covenant Christian congregations (St. Louise Catholic, Cross of Christ Lutheran, and Episcopal Church of the Resurrection.)