PREPARES is a nurturing response of the Catholic community in Washington state, open to all, to provide meaningful, local and sustainable support to mothers, fathers, and families as they nurture their children through pregnancy and early childhood. Volunteers at the PREPARES program offer support and activities for families from pregnancy to your child’s fifth birthday.
Pregnant and parenting moms in need are in our parishes and our neighborhoods. As Pope Francis reminds us, our parishes need to be “islands of mercy in the midst of a sea of indifference.” Everyone in the parish community should know where to refer a pregnant woman in need.
PREPARES is proud to have been walking with moms across the state of Washington since 2014. In that time, we have served thousands of vulnerable moms and their families. We look forward to continuing and growing our work over the coming year of service.
Western Washington Program Director: Aleah Patulot
[email protected]
(206) 737-9264