All current 6th through 12th grade students are eligible for our Summer Service Immersion Treks.
Summer 2025 trek will be to Bellingham/Lynden with Agape Service Project. We will be headed to Agape on August 3 - 7, 2025. Early bird registration is due January 15th. You can find the Info/Registration Packet at the bottom of this page.If you would like to support our youth, please reach out to Amy ([email protected]) to find out about Hire-A-Trekker opportunities, Agape supply donations, or giving directly to our service immersion opportunities.
St. Louise Parish Youth Ministry offers a wide variety of Service Immersion Treks for youth ranging from 6th-12th grade! Each of our service-learning experiences in Lynden and Tijuana intentionally immerse youth into the culture and rich tradition of the communities, and encourages students to learn more about the needs of our brothers and sisters all around the world while working alongside them in their struggles to meet basic needs.
If you would like to be a part of any of these amazing service-immersion experiences, please look for more information below. Kindly email our Youth Minister Amy at if you have any questions and/or if you would like to learn more!
El Ministerio Juvenil de Sta. Luisa ofrece una amplia variedad de viajes de inmersión en el servicio para jóvenes que van del 6º al 12º grado. Cada una de nuestras tres experiencias de aprendizaje de servicio en Lynden y Tijuana sumerge intencionalmente a los jóvenes en la cultura y en la tradición rica de las comunidades. Tambien alienta a los estudiantes aprender más sobre las necesidades de nuestros hermanos y hermanas de todo el mundo mientras trabajan con ellos en sus luchas por satisfacer necesidades básicas.
Si desea ser parte de una de estas experiencias increíbles de inmersión en el servicio, busque más información a continuación. ¡Por favor envíe un correo electrónico a nuestra Ministra de la Juventud Amy a [email protected] si tiene alguna pregunta y / o si desea obtener más información!
Our Lynden Service Immersion experience expands upon youth's understanding of Christ's presence in all people by serving migrant families currently living in Whatcom County. Youth in grades 6 through 12 are invited to join us in learning the reason Catholic Christians are called to serve: "Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters, so you do unto me" (Mt. 25:40). We will be impacting our local community by addressing the needs of the migrant worker community and not only providing food and clothing, but also interacting with and getting to know our brothers and sisters who live this reality daily. To prepare for this experience, youth will organize a large Food Drive at St. Louise, both collecting and organizing the donations before delivering them to the food bank they will be serving for the week. To read more information and sign up for this trek, please download our Agape Info/Registration packet!
Nuestra experiencia Lynden Service-Immersion amplía la comprensión de los jóvenes de la presencia de Cristo en todas las personas al servir a las familias migrantes quienes viven en el condado de Whatcom. Los jóvenes de grado 6 o superior están invitados a unirse a nosotros para aprender la razón por la que los cristianos católicos están llamados a servir: "Todo lo que hagas con el menor de mis hermanos y hermanas, así lo haces conmigo" (Mt. 25:40). Estaremos impactando a nuestra comunidad local abordando las necesidades de la comunidad de trabajadores migrantes y no solo proporcionando alimentos y ropa, sino también interactuando y conociendo a nuestros hermanos y hermanas quienes viven esta realidad a diario. Para prepararse para esta experiencia, los jóvenes organizarán una gran colecta de alimentos en St. Louise, que recogerá y organizará las donaciones antes de entregarlas al banco de alimentos que servirán durante la semana.
On the Tijuana Service Immersion Trek, youth serve with Esperanza International to assist with home construction in impoverished neighborhoods of Tijuana, Mexico. This mission trip gives us a very special opportunity to deepen our understanding of how to live our faith beyond borders. Students 17 years old through young adulthood are invited to join us for this exciting opportunity to live out our Catholic faith! To read more information and sign up for this trek, please download our Tijuana Info/Registration packet!
En el Viaje de inmersión en el servicio de Tijuana, los jóvenes sirven con Esperanza International para ayudar en la construcción de viviendas en los barrios empobrecidos de Tijuana, México. Este viaje misionero nos brinda una oportunidad muy especial para profundizar nuestra comprensión de cómo vivir nuestra fe más allá de las fronteras. ¡Los estudiantes que ingresan de 16 años hasta graduados de la universidad 2023 a unirse a nosotros en esta emocionante oportunidad de vivir nuestra fe católica!
How much does each Trek cost?
The total cost per person for each trip is as follows:
Lynden: $525
Tijuana: $1300
How do students and their families pay for their trek experience?
Students and their families are invited to participate in fundraisers throughout the year to assist them in reaching their financial goal for each trek. However, these fundraisers most likely will NOT cover the entire cost of a student’s trek experience. In committing to participate in the Tijuana trek, for example, a student and their family are committing to save or fundraise on average $130 per month from October to July (about $50 per month for Lynden trekkers). While it is up to YOU what this will look like, below are some ideas:
Getting a part-time job and setting aside a certain amount each month from your paycheck to go towards your trek experience
Participating in any/all fundraisers offered by St. Louise (see a list of opportunities available to you in the informational packet!)
Babysitting for friends and family
Reaching out to neighbors who may need help with yard work, odd jobs, etc.
Individual “accounts” will be set up for each trekker, and any money turned in will go directly towards that trekker’s balance.
How can I register for a Trek?
A completed Trekker Covenant and a personal offering of $75/$100 (Agape Trek) is due to register. Kindly make checks out to “St. Louise Parish.” We strongly encourage that the money come from the trekker’s earnings or savings. If you do not have this amount saved, we hope your parents will set up an arrangement with you to earn the money. This powerful statement is what it means to be a good steward of our time, talent, and treasure.
What is expected of Trekkers before the trip?
We ask that all trekkers attend all scheduled gatherings and arrive on time (please see pre-trip preparation schedules for each Trek in their descriptions!). If something urgent comes up and you cannot attend a trek gathering or you’ll be late, you need to contact Amy as soon as possible. Remember, your presence and timeliness is a huge reflection of your commitment! Trekkers are also asked to interact with everyone on the team with kindness and respect, and to ask questions if you are unclear about something. It is your responsibility to stay current and in‐tune with all trek activities!
Be a Core Team Member/ Ser miembro de nuestro equipo! A Core Team Member is someone who chooses to respond to their baptismal call by serving our young people. Core Teams for St. Louise Service Immersion trips are made up of parents and other adults who are at least sophomores in college. A strong and effective Core Team relies heavily on the time and talents of people who truly care about youth and who enjoy walking with them along their personal faith journeys as well as encouraging their spiritual growth and development through service for and with others.
Donate to our treks! If you cannot join us in person on these experiences, kindly consider supporting our youth through a monetary donation or by donating food and clothing items to our Lynden Trek's food bank. Please contact Amy for more information! [email protected] or 425-214-5465.